Students of all ages can struggle with the academic demands of school, but a psychoeducational evaluation can both determine if a learning disorder is present and connect you to the resources that will help! Our licensed clinical psychologists help parents better understand their child’s strengths and challenges, empowering them to advocate for the interventions and accommodations essential to success.
We specialize in comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations to address questions about a child’s learning, as well as emotional and behavioral functioning. Our assessors are adept at creating a warm and engaging environment. We find children actually really enjoy the one-on-one attention they receive during testing sessions. We use an evidence-based approach to create detailed reports with individualized recommendations.
All evaluations through the Schafer Center start with an initial conversation. A psychologist will listen to your concerns and possibly review previous testing to determine if an evaluation is the best next step. If determined to be appropriate, the level of assessment will also be discussed before scheduling.
Call 440.832.7850 or contact us to schedule a time to talk!
We’ll address questions related to how a student learns best and determine if a learning disorder is present. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to better understand a student’s academic strengths and challenges, and identify if specific interventions and accommodations are needed to help them succeed.
For students who have already been identified or diagnosed with a learning disorder, psychoeducational evaluations provide the reevaluation documentation required for maintaining classroom accommodations. Results can also document the need for accommodations when taking college board exams or other standardized tests.
Psychoeducational Evaluations are generally conducted over the course of a single day. They include:
Cost: $1,000
Comprehensive evaluations aim to provide diagnostic clarity for parents. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to identify the nature and extent of a student’s possible learning differences, ADHD, anxiety, mood, or other behavioral and emotional disorders.
Given the broad range of concerns, comprehensive evaluations vary and are specific to individual needs. Information will be gathered from the student and their parents, teachers, and other caregivers to measure functioning across settings compared to same-age peers. These may include:
Cost: $1,500
Given the broad range of concerns in early childhood development, services are varied and specific to individual needs. We begin with a thorough interview with caregivers and an in-depth review of records to identify concerns and evaluation strategies. Early childhood evaluations may include:
A written report and face-to-face feedback is always provided once the evaluation is complete. An early childhood evaluation may be used to determine school readiness and define developmental areas that require support or interventions. The cost of an early childhood evaluation varies based on the extent of services utilized.
Cost: $500–$1,500
Have you already participated in an educational evaluation, but were left feeling confused about the results? If your student has a diagnosis or an IEP, they’ve already undergone school testing. Sit down with one of the Schafer Center’s licensed clinical psychologists and we’ll help you better understand those evaluation results. We can clearly explain the findings and make recommendations based on the child’s needs.
Service may include a meeting with parents, an in-depth review of records, and a written follow-up with recommendations and suggestions.
Cost: $400
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